ID: 30990
Jim Hubbard Shooting Back
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"Shooting Back caught my attention. Way to go, Jim Hubbard."
Oprah Winfrey
"Shooting Back is wonderful and should be supported in every way possible."
Hillary Rodham Clinton
"There is the photojournalism that is objective, and then there is the photojournalism that is purposefully provocative. Jim hubbard has found time to practice both."
The Washington Post
"Jim and Shooting Back gives ... us all hope."
Maria Shriver, NBC news
"His photos are powerful. His theme is strong and honest. Jim's faith story is compelling, enabled by the grace and love of God. There is a human joy. Jim Hubbard is a very special person, and I am proud to know him.
Martin Sheen
"Jim Hubbard's photos are a worthy continuation of the tradition of American documentary photography that has tried to give voice to the voiceless. Through his sensitivity we feel that these are people and not just a problem.
Peter Howe, director of photography, LIFE magazine
"Jim Hubbard reached a position which any photographer would envy. He has embarked on a task which is difficult and rarely lucrative. Jim spends his time in our ghettos, our poverty-filled streets. He is an artist photographing the poor, impoverished to heighten the public's awareness. Jim should serve as an example to us all."
US House of Representatives Majority Whip Tony Coelho, D-CA
"I was very moved and touched by your book. God has redeemed, is redeeming, the searing pain of your loss. Your story greatly encourages me."
Rankin Wilbourne, senior pastor, Pacific Crossroads Church, Santa Monica, California
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Goed alternatief voor boeken die niet door de brievenbus passen is kiala 3,95.
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"Shooting Back caught my attention. Way to go, Jim Hubbard."
Oprah Winfrey
"Shooting Back is wonderful and should be supported in every way possible."
Hillary Rodham Clinton
"There is the photojournalism that is objective, and then there is the photojournalism that is purposefully provocative. Jim hubbard has found time to practice both."
The Washington Post
"Jim and Shooting Back gives ... us all hope."
Maria Shriver, NBC news
"His photos are powerful. His theme is strong and honest. Jim's faith story is compelling, enabled by the grace and love of God. There is a human joy. Jim Hubbard is a very special person, and I am proud to know him.
Martin Sheen
"Jim Hubbard's photos are a worthy continuation of the tradition of American documentary photography that has tried to give voice to the voiceless. Through his sensitivity we feel that these are people and not just a problem.
Peter Howe, director of photography, LIFE magazine
"Jim Hubbard reached a position which any photographer would envy. He has embarked on a task which is difficult and rarely lucrative. Jim spends his time in our ghettos, our poverty-filled streets. He is an artist photographing the poor, impoverished to heighten the public's awareness. Jim should serve as an example to us all."
US House of Representatives Majority Whip Tony Coelho, D-CA
"I was very moved and touched by your book. God has redeemed, is redeeming, the searing pain of your loss. Your story greatly encourages me."
Rankin Wilbourne, senior pastor, Pacific Crossroads Church, Santa Monica, California